Tuesday 13 May 2008

Did You Wrong Video Shoot!!

Hey guys!

So on Tuesday we shot the video for 'Did You Wrong' which was amazing! It was a crazy long day, filming from 8.30am in the morning all the way until 10 at night!

But we weren't too busy to take pictures and here's some for you to see!

So it all started with Stefan and a very heavy boombox…

Which, as you can see, was a work of art…

And of course being on a film set brings a lot of waiting around and eating lots of food so this is how most of the day was spent…

And here's Henry with Jo Woodcock, our good old done-wrong friend!

We also had our good friend Reuben on hand to film a 'Making Of…' documentary, which will also be up for your viewing pleasure pretty soon!

Then came the crazy part where it was literally a wrap…

There we are, Maya in the cake, Henry in wrapped up and Dru wrapped up with his hat perched on top!

And of course what video shoot would be complete without celebratory pizza at the end of the day?

So all in all we had a great time, and a big thanks to the Colonel Blimp crew, Diesel, the people on the estate we filmed it on and our wonderful director Lily Smith!

More pictures and videos later!

Henry TCC x


Fingers Crossed said...

Jo Woodcock is hot - she's going places & will be a household name in 10 years time - I said the same about Joanne Whalley after "will you still ove me tomorrow."

Wait & see...

Anonymous said...

porsea te incuearia